Affordable Learning @ Cleveland State University
May 19th-June 12th - 2023 Textbook Affordability Summer Symposium for Faculty
A 3-week, mostly asynchronous faculty learning community to support faculty in reviewing openly-licensed or other affordable course content.
Full and part-time faculty: If you're interested in exploring options for reducing the cost of textbooks in one of your courses while revitalizing and increasing ease of access to your course materials, our Textbook Affordability Summer Symposium may be just what you need. Learn more about open education or open textbooks, benefit from structured support for integrating low- or no-cost materials into your upcoming courses, and earn a $600 stipend. Application and more details here.
Friday, May 19th - OpenCon Ohio 2023
OpenCon Ohio will be completely virtual again this year. OpenCon is an annual regional event which celebrates the benefits of open education to student learning. Faculty, students, librarians, instructional designers, and administrators, especially in Ohio, are all welcome to this FREE series of presentations and discussions.
This year’s OpenCon Ohio 2023 will be offered over Zoom with asynchronous activities earlier in the week. Yes, you read that right - OpenCon Cleveland is now OpenCon Ohio. In keeping with the name change, OpenCon Ohio's theme this year will be the Transformative Power of Open Education. This year we are excited to host Maha Bali as our keynote speaker. Updates and more information here.
We hope to see you there!
MAY 13-14, 2021 - Virtual OpenCon Cleveland 2021
Virtual OpenCon was a resounding success, as we welcomed over 300 individuals registered for our 4th annual OpenCon satellite event.
This year's discussions and presentations focused on open educational resources and open pedagogy. The first day featured 11 asynchronous lightning talks by 14 presenters, each followed up by lively and productive discussions on Slack. Day 2 featured several 45-minute panel discussions and our keynote speaker's presentation. See links below for the full agenda, and for archived links to all sessions and presentations, including full videos.
MAY 10-28, 2021 - Textbook Affordability Summer Symposium (TASS)
Sixteen CSU faculty participated in our second Textbook Affordability Summer Symposium, which included completion of learning modules, reviewing an open, library-licensed, or low cost textbook, and a commitment to either adopt or create open resources in at least one course. Participating faculty received a $600 stipend, funded by the Provost’s Office, for their participation. Four faculty have already adopted affordable resources as a result of their work in the symposium.
TASS is sponsored by the Provost’s Office, and is a collaboration between staff in the Michael Schwartz Library, Center for eLearning, Center for Faculty Excellence, Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning.
SEPTEMBER 11th, 2019 - Learn About OpenStax Textbooks
General Session (open to all): 1:00-2:00pm in RT 502
>>watch a video of this session
Chairs and Directors Session: 2:00-3:00pm in RT 502
Refreshments will be served.
We hope you'll join us on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 for an informational presentation about OpenStax textbooks, featuring Nicole Finkbeiner of Rice University's Free Textbook Initiative. Find our how OpenStax textbooks and other Open Educational Resources can benefit you and your students.
Rice University-based nonprofit publisher OpenStax produces high-quality, peer-reviewed textbooks that are free online and low-cost in print. Since its inception in 2012, OpenStax has become the largest publisher of open educational resources (OER), with 29 textbooks used in 48 percent of colleges and universities in the U.S. In 2015, OpenStax revised its institutional partnership program to help campuses develop strategies to increase OER use on their campuses, make their existing initiatives more effective and work together to learn from and support each other.
U.S. colleges and universities that have partnered with OpenStax to encourage the use of freely available learning materials have saved their students tens of millions of dollars on textbook and materials costs, mostly as a result of initiatives implemented during OpenStax's institutional partnership program.

Nicole Finkbeiner is the Director of Institutional Relations for Rice University’s free textbook initiative, OpenStax, where she founded and runs the nationally-recognized Institutional Partner Program. She is a national keynote speaker on open education, equity, and access. Nicole also coaches colleges and universities to effectively encourage faculty adoptions of Open Educational Resources (OER) to promote student success and faculty academic freedom. A graduate of Kellogg Community College, Western Michigan University, and Michigan State University, she worked in college relations for community colleges prior to joining OpenStax. When not promoting OER, Nicole fills her time working on civil rights issues, traveling, reading, staying healthy, and dragging her friends and family to random cultural events.