RT 301 (formerly Digital Design Studio): Rooms & Spaces
The state-of-the-art film and video Viewing Room is located in RT 325, near the elevators. The room seats up to 24 people, features a 72" projection screen, video projector, stereo speakers, PC, DVD player, VHS player, and 16mm film projector.
By calling 216-687-2479, CSU Faculty can reserve the room for their classes to show programs in cinema-like surroundings. (Only one reservation may be made at a time.)
RT 325 is not available for social gatherings or student organization meetings.
No eating or drinking is permitted in RT 325.
Fifteen individual study rooms (carrels) are available in RT 301 to CSU students with valid CSU IDs. Key cards for these rooms can be checked out at the 1st floor Library & Research Help Desk for 4 hours at a time.

Made possible in collaboration with the Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, the Podcast Studio is located on the 3rd floor of the library in RT 325. Up to 4 speakers may record in a 4-microphone setup. Multitrack recording can be done in either Audacity, a free software which can be installed on personal computers for later editing, or in Adobe Audition, which can also be used in the library's 1st floor Learning Commons.
The Podcast Studio can be reserved ahead of time by calling the Library & Research Help Desk at 216-687-2479, or if not in use, can be used for walk-in recording. The key for the room is checked out from the the 1st floor Library & Research Help Desk. More information is available on this library guide to podcasting.

Located in RT 304 on the third floor of the Library inside RT 301, the Presentation Practice Room is equipped with a Smart Board and PC, remote controllable camera, and a USB video recording system enabling students to capture and evaluate their presentation rehearsals, and other course-related projects.
Rules for Use:
RT 304 may be reserved for 2 hours by currently-enrolled CSU students using technology resources in the room to rehearse presentations or work on projects for CSU courses. RT 304 is not available for social gatherings or student organization meetings.
(Groups and individuals may only make one reservation at a time.)
To reserve RT 304, students will need to call 216-687-2479, or stop at the 1st floor Library & Research Help Desk and provide the following information:
- Student Name
- Student ID#
- Phone #
- Course #
- Instructor’s Name
- Number of Students in Group
A current CSU ID is required to borrow a key to the room.
Interior windows may not be covered or blocked.
No eating or drinking in RT 304.
Because RT 304 is located near a quiet study zone and is not soundproof, groups should work as quietly as possible so as not to disturb others working in the area. Groups may be asked to move to the Library’s 4th floor if noise is excessive.
The Michael Schwartz Library provides currently enrolled CSU students with a room for quiet meditation, prayer, and personal reflection. The Library's Meditation Room, located in RT 331, may be accessed by borrowing a key from the 1st floor Library & Research Help Desk. The space is available on a first-come-first-served basis and may be used by up to 5 students at a time. Food and drink are not permitted in the Meditation Room, and personal belongings may not be kept in the room while not in use. Students are asked to be respectful of others working in the adjacent quiet study area, and to secure the room before returning the key.
Students interested in exploring the library's collection of religious texts may wish to look at the wide selection of materials available in the book stacks located on the library's 2nd floor. After use, all library books should be returned to a re-shelving rack.

The Student Collaboration Room is equipped with white boards and a large flat-panel display mounted to a conference table with laptop connections.
To reserve RT 402, students will need to call 216-687-2479, or stop at the 1st floor Library & Research Help Desk and provide the following information:
- Student Name
- Student ID#
- Phone #
- Course #
- Instructor’s Name
- Number of Students in Group

Currently enrolled CSU students looking for a place to interview with potential employers in remote locations or to participate in educational projects with colleagues located off-campus, may reserve one of four Video Conference Rooms, located in RT 301. These rooms are also the best choice for taking video-moderated tests requiring Respondus Lockdown Browsers or Honorlock.
Students with a current CSU ID may book a space and check out a key for 2 hours from the 1st floor Library & Research Help Desk. Students may use their own laptops if they prefer, but the computers in the rooms offer an internet connection, as well as a camera, the Respondus Lockdown browser, and Zoom.

Located in RT 302, the Writer's Lab is a joint venture of the First-Year Writing Program and Michael Schwartz Library to provide additional support for students enrolled in First-Year Writing courses.
The lab's primary use is for computer-assisted classes for developmental writing students. Other writing teachers may arrange to use the lab for classes. The lab is also used to support library instruction, particularly for courses in the First-Year Writing Program.
The Writer's Lab features:
- 25 Student PCs with Internet access, USB ports
- Software: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office
- For the instructor: SmartTouch panel, DVD/VCR deck, Faronics Insight software
See Computers in the Library for a more complete list of available software and hardware.
For more information about any of these facilities, contact the 1st floor Library & Research Help Desk at (216) 687-2479.