Rules of Conduct for Using the Library
Cleveland State University Michael Schwartz Library pledges to provide an atmosphere conducive to study, reading, and the legitimate use of library materials and services. To foster this environment, it is necessary that everyone in the library act in a manner that is considerate of others. Any behavior or condition that disrupts the orderly use of the Library, that could constitute harassment, or that affects the staff’s ability to provide service, is prohibited and will be handled by the appropriate enforcement authority.
- The Michael Schwartz Library reserves the right to ask library users to provide student I.D. or other identification, and upon request library users will be expected to comply. Refusal to comply with this request may result in a referral to the Campus police. The Student Conduct Code outlines expectations for students as well as the process to be followed should violations occur. Community users who violate these rules will be referred to the appropriate enforcement authority.
- Smoking, vaping, and marijuana use are not permitted in the Library.
- In compliance with Cleveland State University's Tobacco Free Policy, the use of any tobacco product is prohibited in the Library. This includes cigarettes, e-cigarettes, chew, pipes, cigars, hookah or water pipe smoking, snuff, and snus.
- Eating in the Library is permitted when it does not offend others or put library materials or equipment at risk of damage. Eating is not allowed near computers or in the book stacks. Drinks are allowed in covered containers only, but not near computers or book stacks. Individuals who bring food or drinks into the Library are expected to properly dispose of leftovers, packaging, etc., in appropriate trash and recycling receptacles. Eating and drinking are not allowed in Special Collections, in labs, classrooms, or in other posted areas.
- Cellular phones and other personal devices must be, in the judgment of Library staff, used discreetly and are prohibited in all areas where they disrupt library use. Cell phone ringers must be silenced in the Library.
- Disruptive behaviors, such as blocking access, making disruptive noises, using or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances, using abusive language, and threatening or harassing others are also prohibited.
- Individuals may not extensively use library facilities without demonstrating engagement in research or study. Loitering is prohibited.
- Any use of another individual's I.D. to fraudulently access the Library's computers is strictly forbidden and will be reported to CSU police and may result in immediate suspension of all library privileges.
- Soliciting is not permitted in the Library.
- Distributing or posting flyers or commercial advertisements in the Library without prior permission from the Library Administration is prohibited. Only flyers for official CSU-sponsored groups and events may be posted. Unauthorized flyers will be removed.
- When visiting the Library, shirts, blouses, shoes, and other appropriate attire must be worn. Persons who violate these rules may be removed from the Library or referred to the Office of Judicial Affairs.
- Anyone who intentionally defaces, damages, or illegally removes library materials, furnishings, or equipment is subject to criminal prosecution under Ohio law.
- All users, both student and general public, will be expected to comply with Cleveland State University's "General Policy for University Information and Technology Resources."
- Users of the Library's general computers may not send, receive, or display text or graphics that may be construed as obscene under Section 2907.32 of the Ohio Revised Code. Using images, including computer images, to harass other users or library employees, especially after a request to stop has been made, may constitute sexual harassment and will be handled by the appropriate enforcement authority. Child pornography is not protected under the first amendment. Any user accessing child pornography will be asked to exit the computer program and will be reported to proper law enforcement authorities.
- The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen personal articles. Belongings should not be left unattended.
- For their own safety, young children should not be left unattended in the Library. If a child becomes loud or disruptive, the child's parent or guardian must remove the child from the Library.
- The only animals that may be brought into the Library are service animals, which must be kept under control so as not to disturb other students.
- Wheeled vehicles (bicycles, skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, "hoverboards," etc.) are not to be ridden in the Library. Medical devices such as wheelchairs and walkers are permitted, as are strollers.
- Borrowing privileges or other library services may be limited or denied to any user who has abused or misused library privileges or violated any rules of conduct herein.
- Use of some library facilities is restricted to members of the Cleveland State University community.
- The Library may establish certain hours when only currently registered students, faculty, and staff are permitted in the Library.
- During late night study hours and any other time when the upper floors of the library are closed for safety and security reasons, all individuals, including those with study carrels on the second and fourth floors, will need to relocate to the open floor(s) — typically the first floor — as directed by Library Administration or Campus Police.
- Users must leave immediately at closing time and may not remain in the Library after closing.
Revised: 2024-12-10
Revised: 2019-02-19
Revised: 01/30/18
Revised: 09/13/16
Revised: 07/26/16
Revised: 12/08/15
Revised: 02/04/15
Finalized: 04/06/10 (Library Council)
Revised: 11/11/08
Revised: 07/22/08 (Library Council)