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The Virginia McFrederick Study Center (RT 100A-E)

The Virginia McFrederick Group Study Center

The Virginia McFrederick Study Center, located on the 1st floor of the Library, has 5 rooms. Use of the rooms is limited to current CSU students, and rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis whenever the Library is open.

  • RT100A and 100D can accommodate groups of 3 - 6.
  • RT100B, 100C and 100E can accommodate groups of 3 - 8. These rooms have work tables, task chairs, extra outlets, and white boards. Dry-erase markers and eraser packs are available for check out at the Library and Research Help Desk. Students can connect to the wireless network with their laptops or with laptops borrowed from Mobile Campus.
    (Larger groups may use the Library's 4th floor, which is entirely devoted to group study, or may reserve the Student Collaboration Room).

CSU students with a valid CSU ID may reserve these rooms at the Library and Research Help Desk. At least 3 students in the group must be present when the key is checked out.


The group study rooms provide a unique space for CSU students to engage in collaborative projects or study related to their CSU course work. The rooms are intended to support collaborative learning and the General Education Skill Area: Group Work. These rooms are not intended for individual study, and if there are not at least three people working, individuals will be asked to yield the room for another group. Individual quiet study carrels are available on the 2nd and 3rd floors.

The rooms are not available for social gatherings or student organization meetings. The rooms are not intended for holding office hours or regularly scheduled classes, conducting recruitment sessions, or engaging in activities that are disruptive to others. The rooms are not open to faculty, staff, law students, or non-CSU groups.


  • Study rooms are available on a first come, first served basis.
  • A room key can be checked out at the Library and Research Help Desk. A valid CSU ID is required.
  • Groups may use a room for 2 hours. If no one else is waiting to use the room, a group may ask to check out the key for an additional 2 hours.
  • All students in the group must be currently enrolled CSU students. At least 3 students in the group must be present when the key is checked out.


Please respect our shared space as well as each other. Behavioral expectations for the group study rooms are informed by the Rules of Conduct for Using the Library, CSU Student Code of Conduct, and the Viking Creed.

Respect Others

  • Each individual assumes responsibility for the conduct of all group members.
  • Rooms are not soundproof. Please be considerate and keep voices at low, conversational levels appropriate for an academic environment. Loud talking and laughing disturbs other users studying in the area.
  • To reduce noise levels, the door should be closed when the room is in use.
  • Share these rooms in a spirit of cooperation. Be ready to leave the room in a timely manner when your reservation has ended.

Respect the Space

  • Leave rooms in a clean and orderly condition: clean the whiteboard and return furniture to its original position. Basic cleaning supplies are available at the Library and Research Help Desk.
  • Food and securely covered drinks are permitted, but please be respectful of the next group and clean up after yourself. Dispose of garbage and recyclables in the proper receptacles.
  • For safety, users are not to limit or block access to rooms, post signs, or obstruct any of the windows.
  • Do not remove room furniture from the study rooms and do not move furniture from other areas into study rooms. Room capacities are listed above, and there is sufficient furniture to accommodate those capacities.
  • Library staff will check the condition of each room between uses. The individual who checked out the room is responsible for the condition of the room. Upon occupancy, please report any issues with the room immediately to Library staff at the Library and Research Help Desk.

Occupants of the Group Study Rooms (or any area in the Library) may be asked to leave the area or the Library for inappropriate behavior or for failure to follow these Group Study Room Guidelines for Use, Rules of Conduct for Using the Library, the CSU Student Code of Conduct, and/or the Viking Creed.

For more information, please contact the Library and Research Help Desk at (216) 687-2479.