Michael Schwartz Library
Individual Quiet Study Rooms

The Library currently has 55 quiet study rooms (carrels) that are available to CSU students with valid CSU IDs. Key cards for them may be checked out at the Library and Research Help Desk.
- 40 quiet study rooms are available at the east end of the second floor.
- 15 quiet study rooms are available on the third floor in RT 301.
Key cards may be checked out for 4 hours at a time. Overdue fine for keys is $1.00 per hour.

Rules for Use of the Quiet Study Rooms:
- One person per room
- No talking - the rooms are not soundproof
- No cell phone conversations (turn off ringers)
- Do not cover windows
- No audible music or videos
- Please be mindful of others wanting to use the rooms and return your key on time (if there are rooms available, you may renew the key)
Violations of these rules will result in a warning. Upon the third warning, room privileges will be suspended until the end of the semester.
If you lock yourself out of your study room, please visit the Library and Research Help Desk or call (216) 687-2479.
You will be asked to show ID to get back into the room.
Questions? the Library and Research Help Desk at (216) 687-2479.