The Michael Schwartz Library eBook Collections
The Michael Schwartz Library eBook Collections provide access to some of the specialized materials available in the Michael Schwartz Library. Using eBrary's interface, readers have many options for searching and navigating the collections and can highlight text, take notes, and add eBooks to a personal bookshelf.
The Michael Schwartz Library eBook Collections currently offer eTexts in the following categories:
The Cleveland State University Scholarship Collection consists of texts authored by the Cleveland State University community. Many of these eBooks carry the Michael Schwartz Library's own imprint, MSL: Academic Endeavors. Cleveland State University faculty, staff, and students who are interested in including their books in this collection should contact the library for more information.
- Cleveland Memory Project eBooks feature texts that document the history of Cleveland and the Western Reserve region of northeastern Ohio.This collection explores the region's rich history with a focus on its people, communities, industries and urban landscape.