The Math Emporium

The Math Emporium, located on the second floor of the Michael Schwartz Library (RT 230), is a state-of-the-art learning center where students can interact with adaptive MyMathLab Plus software and a highly skilled instructional team. Students learn through an innovative, engaging and easy-to-use program designed to help them become comfortable and proficient in basic mathematics.
The main use for this 128-computer facility is for students enrolled in MTH 87 (Basic Algebra) and MTH 114 (Foundations of Quantitative Literacy), who will meet in the Math Emporium for all of their scheduled classes.
When seats are available, students enrolled in MTH 87 and 114 can use the Emporium to work on the online homework.
Hours: Math Emporium hours will vary by semester.
The Mathematics Learning Center in BH 230 is open Mondays through Saturdays. Please check the Math Learning Center website for current hours.
- Students enrolled in MTH 87 and MTH 114 will meet in the Math Emporium for all of their scheduled class time.
- The Math Emporium is not a tutoring center; it is where students will meet for class.
- There will be a maximum student-to-instructor ratio of 40:1. The Emporium will also have several graduate assistants and undergraduate tutors assisting during class time.
- MTH 87 consists of 15 modules of material that have 4 components: a pre-test, instructional videos, homework and a post-test.
- Students earning a score of 85% or higher on the pretest can automatically move on to the next module.
- If a student scores below 85% on the pretest, he or she will watch the instructional videos.
- The student will work on the homework until 80% of the homework is correct. (Multiple tries available.)
- A student will need a score of 80% or higher on the post test to move on (multiple tries are available).
- Instructors will monitor the progress of each of his or her students to determine what might be preventing a student from moving on.
- The great thing about this approach is that students can work through modules for which they know the material very quickly and spend more time on material they are less familiar with.
- If a student does not complete all 15 modules in one semester, when they re-enroll in MTH 87, they can simply pick up where they left off previously.