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Finding Articles and Journals: FAQ

The Cleveland State University Libraries provide access to full-text articles from thousands of journals, magazines, newsletters and newspapers. Locating exactly what articles you need for your research can be overwhelming, but here is a brief FAQ to answer some of your basic questions and get you started.

Why should I use journal articles when I can find what I want with Google?
Journal articles are a valuable source of academic or scholarly information. Many journal articles are peer-reviewed (assessed by experts in the same subject area) before being accepted for publication. This peer-review process adds to the quality, accuracy and authority of the information. Journal articles, then, are a more reliable source of information than many Internet resources, which should be critically evaluated before using for your research.
Read what OhioLINK has to say about this.
How do I start?
Start by using Research Databases. The CSU Library provides you with access to thousands of electronic indexes, commonly referred to as "research databases". Research databases will often provide a link directly to an online version of a journal article.
A-Z List of Research Databases
Can't decide on a research database?
Try Academic Search Complete. This research database is generally a good starting point for many subjects. You can also search several research databases at once using OneSearch or Article Search.
What if the research database doesn't have a link to the full text?
Usually clicking the OLink Find it button button in the citation will tell you if the Library owns the print copy of the journal. You can also search the Library's catalog, Scholar, by the title of the journal, magazine of newspaper that contains your article. Scholar will tell you if the Library has the issue you need. Journals at CSU is also an excellent source of every journal title we make available, in print and electronically.
What if the Library doesn't have a copy of the journal I need?
Registered students, staff, and faculty may submit a request to Interlibrary Loan Services. Articles in PDF format often can be delivered within 48 hours. Other materials may take several days to arrive. Submit requests as far ahead of your deadline as possible.
Can't wait?
Try looking in JSTOR, a service which provides electronic access to the full text of the backfiles of selected academic journals.
Still need help?
Ask Your Personal Librarian.