
Scholar is the name of our catalog of over a million books, ebooks, journals, recordings, and other materials in the collections of the Michael Schwartz and Law Libraries.
A library catalog lists and describes materials owned by a library. In our case, the Scholar catalog primarily tells you what books and ebooks we own. It's your best way to find out what books you can check out today. The Michael Schwartz Library is also a member of the OhioLINK library consortium, which gives you access to the catalogs and collections of many other academic libraries throughout Ohio. You may search the catalog by author, title, subject, or keyword or other criteria listed in the pull-down menu.
CSU borrowers may also request or renew books, and review their own circulation records from home, office, or library. Give us a call at (216) 687-2487 for help with this.
Your librarians are available to help in person, via phone, chat, or zoom. Check our hours page for building, phone, and chat hours.