Michael Schwartz Library
Virtual Reference Desk: Converters & Calculators
Physical scientific calculators are available to be checked out from IS&T's Mobile Campus in the Student Center.
Basic Calculators
- Basic Math Calculator
- Cost-of-Living Calculator (from American Institute for Economic Research): Also known as the COLA Calculator, it calculates the cost of living in the past and in the future based on research at the American Institute for Economic Research.
- CPI Inflation Calculator (Bureau of Labor Statistics): Find out how the buying power of the dollar has changed over the years.
- Web 2.0 scientific calculator: A free online scientific notation calculator that can solve advanced problems in physics, mathematics and engineering. Functions include math expressions, plots, unit converter, equation solver, complex numbers and calculation history.
Calculation and Conversion Web pages (collections of calculator and converter pages or resources.)
- Calculation and Conversion Tools: Internet Public Library list. (May not display in Internet Explorer.)
- Calculator.com: Online calculators for a variety of conversions and calculations, including standard, scientific, and temperature. Also has a directory of calculators by subject.
- The Calculator Site: Includes financial calculators, metric converters and more. Please note that the site is U.K. based and many links are to U.K. specific information.
- Currency Tools (OANDA): Includes multiple currency converters as well as historical rates back to 1990.
- Currency Tools (XE.com): Tools include a currency converter and current and historical currency rate tables.
- Dollar Times Financial Calculators: Includes some standard calculators such as mortgage and retirement but also some more unusual personal calculators, i.e., a coffee cost calculator.
- OnlineConversion.com: Convert just about anything to anything else. Thousands of units, and millions of conversions.