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Michael Schwartz Library

Request for Research Consultation

The purpose of a research consultation is to help you map out a library research strategy for your thesis, dissertation, proposal, or research paper. It may include assistance in the use of electronic catalogs and databases and the Internet. Requests will normally be answered within 3 working days. Quick reference questions can be answered by telephoning the reference librarian on duty, at (216) 687-5300 or (216) 687-2487.

Only CSU students, faculty and staff may use this service. You must specify a return e-mail address or telephone number in order for us to reach you. You may be asked to come into the library or furnish further information.

Please supply the following information:

*Please fill in your Email Address OR your Phone Number:




Please describe your topic and include all possible subject terms. Be as specific as possible. List variant spellings, synonyms, and related terms.

You will normally receive a response to your request for consultation within 3 working days. If a consultation is needed sooner, call the Reference Center (216) 687-5300 or (216) 687-2487.