Affordable Learning @ Cleveland State University
Who Can Help: Our Affordability Team
Collaborating for Student Success
Teamwork is essential to the success of this goal. Librarians and staff listed below are available to support your affordability efforts, but this affordability initiative is possible only through the collaborative efforts of a team of people from across campus, including the Michael Schwartz Library, CSU College of Law Library, Center for eLearning, Center for Faculty Excellence, Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, Student Government Association and the Provost's Office, all working in partnership with the Open Textbook Network and OhioLINK.

Heather Caprette: Sr. Media Developer/Sr. Instructional Designer, Center for eLearning
- What I can do to help:
- Locating open educational learning materials
- Designing assignments using OER
- Designing assignments where students create OER
- Presenting or co-presenting the Open Textbook Network training on Open Textbooks, Access and Affordability
- Creating OER
- Office: Rhodes Tower 201 ~ Telephone: (216) 802-3142
- Email: h.caprette@csuohio.edu

Mandi Goodsett : Performing Arts & Humanities Librarian, Michael Schwartz Library
- What I can do to help:
- Finding open resources
- Finding relevant material already licensed by the library
- Answering questions about copyright and Creative Commons licenses
- Basic copyediting
- Help finding faculty collaborators
- Designing assessment methods
- Creating OER-enabled pedagogy activities for class
- Office: Rhodes Tower 110D ~ Telephone: (216) 802-3362
- Email: a.goodsett@csuohio.edu

Barb Loomis: Digital Scholarly Publications and Programs Administrator, Michael Schwartz Library
- What I can do to help:
- Support for publishing in EngagedScholarship@CSU
- Support for use of the Pressbooks platform
- Office: Rhodes Tower 501F ~ Telephone: (216) 875-9734
- Email: b.i.loomis@csuohio.edu

Ben Richards : Business and Communication Librarian, Michael Schwartz Library
- What I can do to help:
- Finding open resources
- Finding relevant material already licensed by the library
- Office: Rhodes Tower 110 B ~ Telephone: (216) 687-2291
- Email: b.c.richards@csuohio.edu
Cleveland State University has been a leader in textbook affordability efforts in Ohio since 2014, when we became one of the founding members of the Open Textbook Network, which now has over 1000 campus members around the world. Our former Library Director, Glenda Thornton, was instrumental in initiating OhioLINK’s current Ohio Affordable Learning initiative, which has been actively supporting a $1.5 million Ohio Department of Higher Education grant awarded to a collection of universities and colleges across Ohio. Several CSU faculty have also been team members for these grant projects.
*Indicates required fields.