Lactation Room

Cleveland State University has a number of Lactation Rooms to support working moms and parenting students. These rooms are meant to serve as clean, safe, private spaces for nursing mothers to express milk.
The Lactation Room located on the 4th floor of the Michael Schwartz Library, is provided in collaboration with the Mareyjoyce Green Women's Center, and is meant for single occupant use, during the Library's regular open hours. Room amenities include a mini-fridge, microwave, desk, task chair, and lounge chair.
Mothers who wish to use the room need to register with Women’s Center in order to receive an access code.
Users of the Lactation Room are responsible for:
- Providing their own pumping systems or containers.
- Labeling their milk and removing it from the refrigerator before the library closes. Users are advised to check the library’s website for the most up to date hours.
- Leaving the room clean and in good order, and disposing of any garbage in a waste container outside the room.
- Limiting room use to the time needed to express milk in order to be respectful of the needs of all women that use the room. The room may not be used as a study space beyond the time needed to express milk.
- Reporting issues to library staff.
- Keeping their access codes secure by not sharing them with others.
The Women’s Center is responsible for:
- Arranging for access codes for women who want to use the room.
- Providing a refrigerator and keeping it in good working condition.
- Checking the room on a weekly basis and disposing of any unclaimed milk left in the refrigerator.
- Attending promptly to any immediate issues with the room’s condition.
The Library is responsible for:
- Providing a private space for nursing mothers to express their milk.
- Checking the room periodically.
- Notifying the Women’s Center of any issues related to room use.
Mothers who wish to use the room need to register with the Women’s Center in order to receive an access code.
Questions? Contact the Mareyjoyce Green Women’s Center at (216) 687-4674.