Computer Labs in the Library
Laptop Plug-In Connections
Electrical and network outlets to plug in laptops and other devices are available throughout the library, including our group study rooms and individual quiet study carrels.
Wireless network access is available throughout the Library.
LCLC Lab (Library Computers @ Learning Commons)

This 60-station lab is located on the first floor SW, adjacent to the first floor Learning Commons Lab and is used by faculty and librarians for group hands-on computer instruction and to facilitate the use of information technology in the classroom. It is divided into two separate electronic learning spaces; one accommodating 32 students, and the other, 28 students.
Each space has an instructor's computer station that can be used to control all of the computers in the area. Instructors can easily display a computer screen to the entire class, distribute files, and more with the Faronics Insight instruction software. A Smart Podium monitor is also available
PCs in both the front and back labs are all loaded with the following :
Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, and Publisher); Roxio (CD recording); Firefox, Chrome, and Edge Web browsers; Windows Media Player and iTunes; Google Earth; Minitab; SPSS; and more.
See List of Software & Equipment for a comprehensive list of available software and hardware throughout the library.
Please consult our rules for the Use of the Library Computers @ Learning Commons.
Library Learning Commons Lab
The Library Learning Commons computer lab, located at the west end of the first floor, is the primary service point for computer assistance in the library. The IS&T student at the Tech Help desk will help you with printing, scanning, and technology and software problems, and Tutoring & Academic Success Center (TASC) software coaches are available for more in-depth help with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Blackboard.
Resources Available in the Learning Commons Lab:
- 79 PCs with Internet access, DVD-ROM/CD-RW drives, USB port. USB extension cords and headphones are available from the tech help desk.
- Access to all electronic library resources.
- 6 printers for color or greyscale printing.
- 1 general-use PC and one text magnifier for persons with disabilities.
- 2 PCs with flatbed scanners, Adobe Creative Cloud software, and ABBYY FineReader 15. These computers are available for current CSU students, faculty, and staff any time the Library is open. Ask at the desk for their locations.
- Adobe Creative Cloud and all of its apps (e.g., Photoshop, Acrobat Pro, etc.) require users to sign in with an Adobe account or their CSU Single Sign On account. If you don't have an Adobe account, you can now log in with your CSU ID number (e.g., "" or "").
- ABBYY FineReader 15 is OCR software that allows users to scan documents as editable PDF or Word files. It is very easy to use – start the program, select "Scan" > "Scan to PDF" or "Scan to Word", and follow the prompts. You can also use the "Open" function to convert already-scanned images to text from a file.
See List of Software & Equipment for a comprehensive list of available software and hardware throughout the library.
The learning commons lab is available whenever the Library is open (see Hours).
The Math Emporium (RT 230)

The Math Emporium, located on the second floor of the Michael Schwartz Library (RT 230), is a state-of-the-art learning center where students can interact with adaptive MyMathLab Plus software and a highly skilled instructional team. Students learn through an innovative, engaging and easy-to-use program designed to help them become comfortable and proficient in basic mathematics.
The main use for this 128-computer facility is for students enrolled in MTH 87 (Basic Algebra) and MTH 114 (Foundations of Quantitative Literacy), who will meet in the Math Emporium for all of their scheduled classes.
When seats are available, students enrolled in MTH 87 and 114 can use the Emporium to work on the online homework.
Hours: Math Emporium hours will vary by semester.
The Mathematics Learning Center in BH 230 is open Mondays through Saturdays. Please check the Math Learning Center website for current hours.
- Students enrolled in MTH 87 and MTH 114 will meet in the Math Emporium for all of their scheduled class time.
- The Math Emporium is not a tutoring center; it is where students will meet for class.
- There will be a maximum student-to-instructor ratio of 40:1. The Emporium will also have several graduate assistants and undergraduate tutors assisting during class time.
- MTH 87 consists of 15 modules of material that have 4 components: a pre-test, instructional videos, homework and a post-test.
- Students earning a score of 85% or higher on the pretest can automatically move on to the next module.
- If a student scores below 85% on the pretest, he or she will watch the instructional videos.
- The student will work on the homework until 80% of the homework is correct. (Multiple tries available.)
- A student will need a score of 80% or higher on the post test to move on (multiple tries are available).
- Instructors will monitor the progress of each of his or her students to determine what might be preventing a student from moving on.
- The great thing about this approach is that students can work through modules for which they know the material very quickly and spend more time on material they are less familiar with.
- If a student does not complete all 15 modules in one semester, when they re-enroll in MTH 87, they can simply pick up where they left off previously.
Assistive Technology Learning Center (RT 103)

The Preston White Assistive Technology Learning Center (AT Lab) was constructed to assist Cleveland State students with disabilities in performing the coursework necessary to successfully complete their academic programs.
The AT Lab provides assistive technology for students and faculty with visual, physical, or learning disabilities. Users have access to programs such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, dictation, scanning for text to speech, and word prediction, and to hardware including video magnifiers, a Braille embosser, Braille display, ergonomic keyboards, and alternative mice. Lab assistants are available to help users with the equipment. A PC with a text magnifier is also available in the Library Learning Commons Lab.
The AT Lab is a collaborative effort of the Michael Schwartz Library, the Office of Disability & Testing Services, and the Occupational Therapy Program. In order to use these facilities you must be a student registered with the Disability Services Office at Cleveland State or doing coursework that includes the study of assistive technology.
The lab is located inside the Michael Schwartz Library, but is run by the Office of Disability & Testing Services. Hours for this lab may differ from regular library hours. For more information, contact the Office of Disability & Testing Services at 216-687-2015 or
- AT Lab Rules
- Library Services for Patrons with Disabilities
- Office of Disability & Testing Services
- Preston White Assistive Technology Learning Center (includes lab configuration, hardware & software)
- Register with Disability Services
Math Lab - Precalculus

Located in RT 403, the Precalculus Lab is a joint venture of the Mathematics Department and the Michael Schwartz Library to provide support for students enrolled in Precalculus I and II classes.
The lab is equipped with 30 student workstations, each equipped with ALEKS, an on-line assessment program that diagnoses mathematics ability, provides homework for students to master, and also administers quizzes and examinations. It can accommodate whole classes for group sessions.

Located in RT 302, the Writer's Lab is a joint venture of the First-Year Writing Program and Michael Schwartz Library to provide additional support for students enrolled in First-Year Writing courses.
The lab's primary use is for computer-assisted classes for developmental writing students. Other writing teachers may arrange to use the lab for classes. The lab is also used to support library instruction, particularly for courses in the First-Year Writing Program.
The Writer's Lab features:
- 25 Student PCs with Internet access, USB ports
- Software: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office
- For the instructor: SmartTouch panel, DVD/VCR deck, Faronics Insight software
See Computers in the Library for a more complete list of available software and hardware.