Michael Schwartz Library
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services

Can't find the article or book you need? Don't give up! Use Interlibrary Loan. It's free to CSU students, faculty, and staff. Interlibrary Loan uses a worldwide network of libraries to locate the exact item you need. An article in PDF format can often be delivered within 48 hours; other materials take longer.
How to Make an InterLibrary Loan Request
- First, make sure the item is not currently available through OneSearch.
- Log in to the Interlibrary Loan system. We're now offering single sign-on (SSO), meaning you can use your CampusNet login to access ILL from off-campus.
- Select article, book, or other/audio/visual, then enter as much information as you have, and click submit to place your request.
For more information, call the Interlibrary Loan Office at 216-687-2382 or email library.ill@csuohio.edu, or read the Interlibrary Loan FAQ.
Materials requested through Interlibrary loan may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code).