Government Documents

Both the Michael Schwartz Library and the Law Library are selective depositories for U.S. and Ohio government documents. At the Michael Schwartz Library, all documents are integrated into the regular collection. Documents cataloged as periodicals are shelved with periodicals and those cataloged as books are shelved with the books. In addition, a large number of government documents are now available online and can be accessed freely by the general public who do not hold CSU credentials.
For those members of the general public who need access to tangible government documents when the Library is otherwise closed to all but the immediate CSU community, please contact Hannah Pearson for alternative arrangements.
For assistance in locating a government document or for questions about government documents or researching them in the Michael Schwartz Library, please contact or visit the Library Research & Help Desk. For quick questions, use the "Ask Us" button at the right of this page.
Some government documents are currently held in our shared storage facility at the NE Regional Depository in Rootstown, OH. To obtain one of these items, find it in the Library's Scholar catalog and click on the "Request" button. If there is a question about locating or requesting these depository materials, users may ask any questions at the the Library and Research Help Desk or ask any of the subject librarians.