Finding ERIC Documents in the Michael Schwartz Library
When using the ERIC research database, you may come across records with an "ED" number instead of an EJ number in the citation (see below):

This indicates that the information you have found is contained in an "ERIC document." ERIC documents are generally unpublished materials, such as papers read at conferences or reports from state agencies as well as guides and books. Though there is no peer review process for ERIC documents, and they tend to be less scholarly in nature, they are still valuable resources for educators and students looking for information about teaching.
Many of these ERIC documents are available as full-text, but those that are not will be found in the ERIC microfiche collection near Special Collections on the 3rd floor of the Library.
An even smaller number of ERIC Documents refer to books that are not available on microfiche. Please check the SCHOLAR catalog or OhioLINK to obtain copies of these books.