COPYRIGHT and TRADEMARKS 11/5/75 (75-66) Copyright guidelines approved. 6/15/07 (07-49) University administration authorized to engage Fay Sharpe, LLP for the purposes of registering its trademarks. 1/23/12 (12-02) Approved engaging Fay Sharpe, LLP for purpose of registering a trademark for C-M Law College. 5/20/13 (13-28) Approved filing for trademark protection for GLOBALTARGET on behalf of the College of Business. 9/30/13 Approved filing applications and documents necessary for trademark protection for the tagline, “More than a degree. A competitive edge. TM” on behalf of the Monte Ahuja College of Business. 11/19/14 (14-91) Administration authorized to revise the Use of Copyrightable Materials Policy to ensure compliance with Federal regulations.