TRAVEL SUPPORT PROGRAM 1/16/90 Modified guidelines: 1) two month lead time for submitting a request, 2) must submit the paper present at a conference within two weeks after the date of travel to receive funding support, 3) travel funds divided making 50% available for each half of the year. 6/5/90 Approved modifications: 1) travel requests must now be submitted only 2 mo. in advance of the travel date; 2) manuscript or paper must be received in Graduate College Office no later than 2 wk. fromdate of return noteds on travel form; 3) only 1 trvel request per faculty member per year will be supported. 12/10/91 Capped FY 1992 spending at $4000 beyond present committments. 4/25/2000 Approved the proposed Graduate Faculty Professional Travel Program guidelines with appropriate revisions based on GC's deliberations.