GRADUATE FACULTY (General resolutions approving Graduate Faculty status to faculty as a group are not listed.) 3/13/70 Approved drafting a GC constitution along lines set up for FC. 3/7/72 Recommended that FC reject proposed Faculty Organizational By-Laws admendment providing for a graduate college faculty; and to substitute GC's own definition. 4/25/72 Dean to re-write suggested Faculty Organizational Bylaws admendment for GF to include voluntary membership and stressing regularly engaging in graduate activities. 7/1/74 Comm. established to determine specific criteria for entrance to GF by petition and to amply the definition of works. 10/16/74 "Criteria for Entrance to the Graduate Faculty" revised draft discussed. Section I Criteria for Entrance by Petition approved as revised. Section II unchanged from 8/74 draft Section III Amplification of the Definition of Works approved. 12/11/74 Agreed: function of Graduate Faculty Membership Criterion Committee is to review petitions of only those persons who do not meet the letter of the By-Laws regarding membership criteria, and that all requests for membership, when in accord with By-Laws, will be processed through the channels of Dept. Chair, College Dean and Graduate Studies Dean. 1/29/75 "Criteria for Entrance to the Graduate Faculty" title changed to "Procedural Steps for Admission by Petition to Graduate Faculty". Necessary revisions discussed. 3/10/76 Approved that no person may be both a student and faculty member in the unit awarding the degree the person is seeking. 5/06/09 Extended FM membership to Fall 2009 for those whose term end with Summer semester 2009. 6/9/76 Subcommittee, with one GC representative, formed to review GF membership. 1/19/77 Concluded that perhaps criteria for membership continuance should be more stringent than initial entrance; that clearer lines of privileges and responsibilities should be inherent in graduate faculty membership. 11/14/79 Decided to address Graduate College/C-M relationship question after discussing a law professor' request for GF membership. 2/11/81 Viewed case of a faculty member enrolled as a student in his own department as an impropriety, but not illegal. Discussed including the 3/76 statement on this subject in Graduate Bulletin. 10/21/81 Reiterated the Dean's authority to appoint graduate faculty, provided they meet the By-Laws criteria. 2/10/82 Approved GF membership for an Urban Studies faculty member who had earned the terminal degree at that time, but where the terminal degree is now the Ph.D. 1/15/86 Subcommittee for Reconstruction of the Graduate Faculty formed to work with the Dean on the first round of the reconstitution process. 10/30/85 Approve process for reconstituting the GF in line with the revised Bylaws beginning in Winter 1986. 5/14/86 Reconstitution Subcommittee to check all resumes (qualifieds, unqualifieds, questionables) in order to get a sense of their contents, then review those vitaes which pose questions or may not meet criteria. 10/14/86 Reconsitution Subcommittee increased by 3 members in order to meet the schedule set last year. 12/16/86 Dr. Andrist discussed his concerns about the GF reconstituion process. GC agreed not to distribute the list of faculty whose credentials had met the requirements at this time and the Subcommittee will re-examine the 36 vitae from mathematics, physical sciences, and the behaviorial sciences. 1/13/87 Review process for special status faculty discussed; agreed that "non-voting" members are ineligible for membership on GC or its committees. They may, however, serve on thesis/dissertation and other such committees. 2/10/87 Subcommittee's recommendations to approve or deny GF membership for math, physical, social, and behavior sciences faculty approved. 3/10/87 Subcommittee's recommendations to approve or deny GF membership for COE faculty approved. 4/14/87 Completed reconstituting the COE Graduate Faculty 4/14/87 Subcommittee's recommendations to allow certain Engineering and Psychology faculty members who do not meet GF membership requirements to perform certain GF functions for a 1 year period approved. 5/5/87 Subcommittee's recommendations on Business College GF peitions regarding approval, denial and postponing decisions approved. Psychology Dept.'s request to grant Visiting Professor Heslin GF status for 1 year approved. 5/5/87 Business College's request to establish a 3-member subcommittee to evaluate non-traditional faculty seeking GF status and recommend appropriate action. 5/26/87 Subcommittee's recommendations on A&S GF peitions regarding approval, denial and postponing decisions approved. Granted Dr. Eisenberg a 1-year period to continue offering COE graduate courses. 11/22/88 Approved permitting a professor from another university to serve on a doctoral dissertation committee. 11/22/89 Reviewed Dean's approval and denial letters. 1/10/89 Approved limited activity for a graduate program chairperson whose application for GF status had twice been denied. 1/10/89 Approved procedure to admit faculty, returning to the faculty after 5 or more years in an administrative position, a 3 year term upon submission of an article to a refereed journal. 5/23/89 Approved that graduate faculty reviews be quarterly; that applications be submitted by the second week of the quarter, and each round of reviews be carried out by the end of the quarter. 10/24/89 Graduate Faculty status for one former administrator re-entering faculty ranks for a three-year term approved. Regular graduate faculty status for six Studio Art Faculty approved. 11/21/89 Graduate College will incorporate a statement addressing the graduate faculty status issue in all memorandum of understanding for graduate program review. Approved nine faculty members for graduate faculty status including two off-campus persons seeking eligibilty to serve as voting members on chemistry doctoral dissertation committees. 1/30/90 Although uncomfortable with the practitioner status, GC agreed that the Bylaws regarding membership requirements needed no changes. Consensus: Grad Dean should review cases where practitioners are proposed as members of thesis or dissertation committees. 3/13/90 Recommended that one person be allowed to serve as a voting thesis committee member, short of holding Graduate Faculty membership. Approved M.A. as an appropriate terminal degree for Creative Writing and that the scholarly track was appropriate for the candidate. 3/10/92 Approved amendment to Graduate College By-Laws regarding Graduate Faculty status for Emeriti. Graduate Faculty to vote upon amendment in the spring. 10/26/93 Agreed: adjuncts who are not GF members be allowed to petition for the rule that only GF members may teach graduate-level courses. Department chairs are to present detailed rationales regarding such requests. 11/23/93 Practitioner Graduate Faculty & Special Request application guidelines approved. 1/18/94 Special Request Graduate Faculty policy revised. 1/18/94 Practitioner graduate faculty applicants who submitted applications prior to adoption of guidelines & procedures need not submit personal statement as part of applications. 2/15/94 Awarded graduate faculty status to University of Akron faculty teaching in the joint UA-CSU Urban Studies Ph.D. program. 4/5/94 Reaffirmed that Graduate College will not transact graduate student business with graduate program directors who are not graduate faculty members. 2/28/95 Approved granting reciprocal GF privileges to University of Akron faculty. 5/30/95 Gave power of attorney on a one-time basis over the summer months to Graduate Faculty Practioner Revciew Committees to approve/not approve pending applications 1/23/96 Approved Business College Practitioner Review Committee's recommendations to allow one individual to teach in the area of human reesources; another individual to teach appropriate master's level courses in MBA and MLRHR programs, but not doctoral level courses; an a third individual be denied privilege of teaching graduate level courses. 5/14/96 Approved motion for a reciprocal graduate faculty agreement between KSU, YSU, Akron,& CSU. 6/4/96 Empowered Graduate Faculty Review Comm. to make a decision on behalf of GC on a review one applicant by mail during the summer. 2/11/97 Approved three special requests for persons external to the university to serve as voting members on dissertation committees. 3/18/97 March 24: Business College dean asked GC to reconsider 2 individuals scheduled to teach 600-level courses during spring quarter. GC endorsed dean's request through special mail ballot. 5/27/97 GC decided not to take action on a request from a department to revoke a faculty member's graduate faculty status. GC established a subcommittee to make recommendations regarding the development of policies and procedures for revoking graduate faculty status. 5/27/97 GC reviewed draft documents pertaining to interpretation of current graduate faculty membership and review guidelines. 3/27/01 Requested the Graduate Faculty Comm. consider an exemption, a stopping of the clock for upto one year, to continue Grad. Faculty status where a faculty member shows a medical or family medical leave as the reason for the departure, and can provide evidence that at the end of the extension that it is likely that Grad. Faculty status would be granted again. 9/10/02 Appointed ad hoc Committee on Graduate Faculty Status to review graduate faculty membership requirements and review process. 5/8/06 Graduate Faculty Status was extended to the end of Fall Semester 2006 for the faculty in areas that do have approved Graduate Faculty criteria. 5/8/06 Graduate Faculty membership standards for Urban Affairs and Education Colleges approved. 9/13/06 Approved 21 5-year appointments for graduate faculty from Colleges with approved Graduate Faculty guidelines and 10 1-year appointments for graduate faculty from the other Colleges. 9/13/06 Approved a 1-year appointment for Graduate Program Director without Graduate Faculty status in the Philosophy Dept. 12/06/06 Graduate Faculty Status Criteria for the Business Administration College approved. 1/19/07 Graduate Faculty Status Criteria for College of Science approved as amended with a clarification. 2/16/07 Approved striking criteria "Two Years of Successful experience in teaching and clinical supervision for students in higher education" from the Education and Urban Studies Faculty Guidelines. 3/19/07 CLASS Graduate Faculty Guidelines approved. 3/4/08 Engineering College Graduate Faculty Guideline approved with changes. 12/6/10 Approved not to allow graduate faculty status on the basis of a criteria in a college different from a faculty member's own college. 9/15/14 Granted 1 academic year exemption to allow GC to discuss framework for requests for exemptions that only Level I or Level II graduate faculty teaching 600-level and above classes.