ACADEMIC REASSESSMENT 4/19/88 Agreed that there was no need for a formal reassessment policy. 5/8/90 Graduate Reassessment Policy approved. 11/13/90 Graduate Council Admissions & Standards Comm. to review questions posed by the University's Admission's & Standards Comm. 2/19/91 Policy revised so that students wishing to continue within the same program would have to be absent from the University for 3 years before becoming eligible for AR; students who wished to change degree programs would have to be absent 1 year from the University; also would permit students absent 3 years to return as non-degree students. 2/11/92 Approved modifications to an academic reassessment proposal. Reaffirmed 2/19/91 decision regarding mandatory periods of separation. 3/30/93 Approved student petition for academic reassessment. Student's request had been denied by his department. 1/10/95 Denied request to expunge 2 business courses from transcript of M.Ed. GC agreed that reassessment option was not intended for, and could not be used to, purge undesirable grades after a student had successfully completed a graduate degree program. GC took no action on student's request to expunge grade taken as non-degree seeking student since current policy did not allow it. Approved extending reassessment option to enrolled degree seeking students who previously have taken courses on a non-degree graduate basis; not proposing that reassessment option be extended to persons currently enrolled on a non-degree basis.