UNIVERSITY STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE STRATEGIC PLANNING 12/01/04 (Report 11) Approved as amended the proposed recommendations on the Strategic Planning Process. 9/13/06 (Report No. 2) Adopted the goals and strategies of "Vision Unlimited", the University Strategic Planning Committee Report. 2/7/07 (Report No. 17) Establish two-year terms of office for faculty representatives to University Strategic Planning Committee, Planning and Budget Advisory Committee, and Capital Planning Advisory Committee with representatives ineligible to serve more than two consecutive terms. 9/19/07 University Strategic Planning Committee Report recommendations for 1) key performance indicators for assessing strategic planning process, including supplementary indicators addressed to diversity; and 2) USPC's proposed procedures for changing the strategic planning processing approved. 3/5/08 (Report No. 20) USPC Reporting Timeline revised to eliminate the specific reporting date; there still be a report once a year, and substitute ordinary parliamentary procedures for the either accept and reject or reject in total and remand and send back mechanisms. Annual Reports 11/05/08