PROFESSIONAL LEAVE PROPOSAL I. OBJECTIVES During the past several years, I have conducted research in the general area of industrial wastewater and hazardous wastewater treatment. The specific area of research has been in the application of bioaugmentation process to the treatment of toxic industrial wastewaters including phenolic wastewaters. Several of my M. S. students have conducted M. S. thesis study in these areas. I would like to explore the sources of research external funding in the area of phenolic and toxic wastewater treatment with bioaucjmentation and also prepare a paper in the same area and I would like to take the time afforded by the sabbatical to do so. The specific objectives of the research are to explore and identify the sources for external funded research and prepare research proposal possibly jointly with a professor at an overseas university and to prepare a paper in the same research area of phenolic or toxic waste treatment with bioaugmentation with LLMO (live liquid microorganisms). The research proposal will attempt to examine the effects of types and strength of phenolic wastewaters, dosages of bioaugmentation addition, time of treatment on the treatment efficiency for phenolic or toxic wastewaters. My goal is to prepare a research proposal and also to prepare a paper for submission for publication. The proposed research and the paper will contribute to the literature on the application of bioaugmentation process to toxic industrial wastewater and hazardous wastewater treatment. II. SPECIFIC TASKS During the leave period I would address the following tasks: 1. Complete an exhaustive review of the literature on bioaucjmentation process and biological treatment of phenolic wastewaters and other toxic organic compounds. Much of this is in the form of journals in environmental science and engineering, and government documents including U.S. EPA reports and is available in the libraries at CSU and other universities. 2. Review and analyze research results from M. S. thesis of my graduate students in the area of phenolic wastewaters treatment with bioaucjmentation process. The data will be used in the preparation of proposal and paper. 3. Explore and identify the sources of external funded research. 3. Complete a research proposal on phenolic or toxic wastewater treatment with bioaugmentation process possibly jointly with a professor at overseas university. 4. Complete the writeup of a paper on phenolic wastewaters treatment with bioaugmentation process, which would be submitted