Welfel 3 Professional Leave Application Fall, 1995 on this project is under revision and will be submitted for publication by February, 1995. My third objective is to revise two components of EDE 731 Psychopathology for Counselors and to do a literature review to update the reading list. The components targeted for revision deal with disorders of childhood and adolescence and the controversy regarding the biological bases of mental disorders. Fourth, I want to update my knowledge for EDE 779 because several new books on the MMPI-2 and the MMPI-A have been published in the last year and I want to read at least two of them before I teach the course again in Winter, 1996. Relationship of r)roiect to my faculty responsibilities at CSU First, the book is important to my continued scholarly development as a faculty member. In addition, I teach professional ethics to Master's, Ed.S., and doctoral students in the counseling program and have been dissatisfied with the graduate texts available for teaching purposes. Generally, they fail to integrate sufficient scholarly material and to be sophisticated enough for advanced graduate students. My book would not only serve a real professional need, but also improve ethics education for CSU students in counseling. Second, publishing the article on burnout in school counselors will help me teach the school counseling students in our program more effectively.