ABSTRACT The objective of this professional leave is to develope a business statistics manual for students and practioners. Business students need a clear understanding of statistical methods and their applications to help them in their course work. This manual would be a supplement to the usual classroom text and would consist of sample problems along with computer solutions and discussions of results. In addition, sample exam questions would be provided to give the student direction in his or her studies. Managers need a reference manual that is quick and easy to use in the real business world. Strategies will be developed for problem-solving along with interpretations of results. At a quick glance the reader will be able to identify the type of problem and the appropriate solution. Another objective is to demonstrate how computer software such as SAS and MYSTAT can be implemented for decision-making. With the rapid growth of personal computers in both the home and the office, it is important to integrate statistical computer software in the learning process. This manual makes use of mini-cases to demonstrate a strategy for analyzing data using these software packages.