Walter Leedy Proposal for Professional Leave, 1995-96 Abstract I propose to complete @?O-r research and writing pi-o-i-ects@relating to the architectural and planning history of the Cleveland region and, if time permits, start a third. In relation to my earlier published works, these projects will add both depth and breadth to my knowledge of twentieth century American and European architecture and the Cleveland region. My objective is to communicate to a scholarly audience through publication in both printed and electronic formats, as well as to the community at large through lectures. Furthermore, my proposed projects should have a synergistic affect on the courses I teach, especially on "Cities and Planning" and "Cleveland: Form and Development of An Urban Environment." First, I will complete a long-in-the-works, broad, cross-disciplinary study of the Cleveland Union Terminals Complex, now known as Tower City. This "City within a City" is important because it provides Cleveland a visual identity and, as a result, creates a sense of place. On a national level it is important because it is one of the largest private enterprise developments of its time and was designed by one of the most important architectural firms of the period: Graham, Anderson, Probst and White. Second, I will complete a monographic study on the Park Synagogue, Cleveland Heights. Designed by Eric Mendelsohn, the Park Synagogue is Cleveland's most significant