Research As my Curri -ulum Vitae will make clear, I have completed almost no substantive research in the last two years. The reasons lie in personal circumstances that go back several years. In 1988 my first wife was diagnosed with uterine cancer; she died in November of 1989, and for the year of her illness and some time thereafter, I was able to get very little research done. I remarried in December 1990, and began work again on several research projects, some of which resulted in published articles. However, in 1992 my second wife's parents became very ill; her mother died in December 1993, and her father in August 1994. Since my wife is an only child, we were the only ones who could take care of them, and once again my research came to a standstill. The second objective of my professional leave is therefore to reestablish an ongoing research program leading to continued scholarly productivity. Specifically, I need to put several in-progress articles in publishable form and submit them, and I want to begin serious work on a book- length study of the Arthurian tradition. For further details, see under Project Outline and Expected titcomes. Project Outline Before March 1996 Review sources of available materials for teaching Beginning Latin, especially interactive computer programs, and begin collecting possible materials for evaluation. Review scholarly bibliographies to update text and notes on articles listed as nos. 1-4 on page 28 of my attached Cumculum Vitae, and begin to collect materials unavailable at CSU through Interlibrary Loan. These articles have been submitted once to journals, but have not yet been published, and they need updating and possible revision before resubmission. Review scholarly bibliographies to update materials collected prior to 1990 for the articles listed as no. 7 on page 28 and nos. 3 and 8-11 on pages 28-29 of my attached Curriculum Vitae and begin to collect materials unavailable at CSU through Interlibrary Loan. Work with Office of Research Services to identify and apply for possible sources of additional funding for the projects described. Find an NEH Summer Seminar for 1996 related to either the Latin FLEX project or to my research that does not require expensive travel, and apply for it. April-August 1996 Latin FLEX Project. All of the following phases will be concluded before the end of August 1996. 1. Complete collection of materials identified before leave began. 2. Begin and complete evaluation of materials collected. 3. Decide which materials can be used effectively in the Latin FLEX program. 4. Work with Arts & Sciences Computing (Prof. J. Blank etc.) on ways of using interactive computer leaming materials with Latin FLEX.