PROPOSAL FOR FACULTY PROFESSIONAL LEAVE, SPRING 1996 Prof. Bruce A. Beatie Department of Modem Languages November 28, 1994 Abstract I am requesting professional leave for Spring quarter of 1996. That quarter and the Summer of 1996 will give me five months without teaching obligations. For this period, I have two unrelated major objectives. In curricular design, I plan to undertake and complete a full revision of the first- year Latin FLEX program that I have been teaching since Fall 1993, including the development and/or integration into it of interactive computer-based learning, to make it more effective both pedagogically and in terms of cost. In research, I plan to revise substantially and resubmit for publication at least three articles completed before personal circumstances forced a pause in my research program, complete and propose for presentation at least one new conference paper, and begin work on a monograph.