RESEARCH 12/7/72 North Central Association's dissatisfaction with the Research Services Office and the need for some sort of relationship between RS and the Graduate Office discussed. 11/13/74 Graduate Program Development Committee established for the handling of development grant monies. 2/12/75 GPDC and RCAC to meet jointly to prepare a charge for the GPDC. 10/8/75 Approved RCAC membership of 6 staggered 2-year terms. 10/8/75 Approved placing GPDG awards under the RCAC's jurisdiction. 12/16/75 Decided that RCAC should evaluate urban-related proposals and also to decide whether to accept or not to accept those persons recommended to join their committee in an ad hoc fashion. 5/19/76 Agreed with RCAC past precedent that RIA Grants are intended to intiate research with expectations of feedback to CSU in the following years; a person not returning in the fall should not accept the award. 2/16/77 GC's role and guidelines in reviewing RCAC's recommendations for funding prior to letters of announcement; that GC should review current guidelines prior to implementation of the review process; and the shift n faculty population (fewer "new" junior faculty) discussed. 3/9/77 Recommendations for funding proposals submitted under RIA and SRA guidelines approved. 6/8/77 Approved recommended changes based on the 5/18/77 discussion including establishing review sub-committees and clarifying the types of expenses involved with research. 11/9/77 Approved that faculty can submit proposals for both Class I and II funding for either the same or different projects. 11/9/77 Faculty on sabbatical leave may submit proposals as long as the award is for expenses rather than a cash award. 11/9/77 Agreed that RCAC's specific charge is that of review and recommendation. If a member feels it is necessary to refrain from the process, it would be well to resign from the RCAC. 12/7/77 Approved RCAC's funding recommendations. Specific information will be provided to proposers concerning why proposals were not funded and what might be done in order to resubmit it for reconsideration. 12/7/77 Discussed avoidance of conflict of interest; felt that an RCAC member participating by reviewing and providing opinion could, in some cases, enter a vote of abstention. 1/18/78 Notation concerning exceptional case to appear in the next set of RCAC guidelines. 1/18/78 Visiting Scholars Program discussed. 2/15/78 RCAC recommendations approved. 3/8/78 RCAC recommendation process concerns discussed. 3/15/78 RCAC funding recommendations approved. 3/15/78 RCAC requested feedback from GC regarding the selection process. 3/15/78 Approved funding 1 Senior Class and 1 Junior Class alternative. 3/15/78 Approved, that as funds become available, funding awards in the rank order of the RCAC's recommendations. 4/12/78 Money from 2 Senior Class I awards that were declined will be channel back to fund 2 other Senior Class I awards. Dean to select. 5/3/78 Proposed revisions of the RCAC's gudelines discussed. 5/17/78 Approved that any other duties for which an awardee is compensated in the period when the awardee is not on regular duty must enhance the Awardee's total research effort. The Dean shall decide the appropriateness of any other duties. 5/17/78 "Record of Scholarship & Research" section deleted from the guidelines. 5/17/78 Approved that "persons may apply for both Class I and Class II Award, however no more than one grant may be awarded". 5/17/78 Approved the revised RCAC guidelines. 5/24/78 Approved Class II category awards for Summer 1978. 10/18/78 Guidelines for distribution of 1978-1979 Class II monies approved. 12/13/78 Approved RCAC's Class II Award recommendations. 1/10/79 Discussed Junior Class I Awards relative to faculty who do not have Ph.D.s and are not in "a typical" field in which a degree other than a doctorate may qualify as a terminal degree. Decided that the guidelines as written for 1978-1979 should stay enforced and that any changes that are to be made should be considered in the 1979-1980 guidelines. 1/10/79 Discussed proposals received which are seeking funds to help in the preparation of a book. 2/14/79 Senior and Junior Class I Award recommendations approved. 3/14/79 Revised the 5/17/78 ruling on other duties to read: "any other duties other than the research project must be evaluated by the Dean". 3/14/79 Dean to seek clarification from CSU's financial sector over whether research awards are non-taxable grants or "other income". 4/11/79 Due to lack of a quorum the Dean will poll absent Councillors concerning the RCAC's Senior and Junior Class I & II Awards. 4/11/79 Agreed on Summer grant support levels and discussed increasing support levels. 5/9/79 Approved that any faculty member that has received two awards shall be ineligible to apply for further funding until s/he applies for research funds of at least an equal amount from external sources. 5/9/79 Approved including the proviso in the revised guidelines: Salary support will be subject to IRS regulations". 5/9/79 Mail ballot approval secured for the revised guidelines. 11/21/79 Approved RCAC's recommendation not to fund any Class II proposals. 2/13/80 RCAC's recommendations for Class I funding approved. 2/13/80 Approved re-allocating unallocated Class II funds to Class I. 3/12/80 RCAC's Class II funding recommendations approved. 5/14/80 & 5/20/80 RCAC's Class II funding recommendations approved by mail ballot. 7/17/80 RCAC revised guidelines for 1980-1981 approved. 10/15/80 Guidelines to be established for an interdisciplinary research grant 11/19/80 RCAC's Class II funding recommendations approved. 12/17/80 Resolved that in the event of further severe reductions in State subsidy, the Dean is to use his best judgment in administering the funds available for research awards with top priority being the maintenance of the acquisitions program and operation of the library. Also, if the services of any other units that are vital to the activities of graduate students and faculty research, this information should be brought before GC for discussion. 2/18/81 RCAC's funding recommendations approved. 3/11/81 Approved 2 requests for release of funds prior to June payment. 5/13/81 RCAC's Class II Award recommendations approved. 5/13/81 Approved using a standardized form for the funding proposals. 5/13/81 Dean to re-write grant proposal guidelines in light of GC's proposed changes. 5/20/81 Due to 2 proposers' misinterpreting the meaning of fiscal year, their Class II Awards of 5/13, were instead placed in the proper priority position for FY 1982 awards. 10/21/81 Approved: Chairs and Deans may not serve on the RCAC. 1/21/82 RCAC Class II Grant recommendations approved. 3/17/82 RCAC's funding recommendations approved. 5/12/82 RCAC 1982-1983 guidelines approved. 12/15/82 RCAC's funding recommendations approved. 5/18/83 RCAC 1983-1984 guidelines approved. 12/14/83 RCAC's funding recommendations approved. 3/14/84 RCAC's funding recommendations approved. 5/16/84 Decided that proposals are to be judged and awarded on basis of merit regardless of the nature of the request. 5/16/84 Rejected suggestion for a separate funding program for equipment. 5/16/84 RCAC 1984-1985 guidelines approved. 11/28/84 RCAC funding recommendations approved. 2/27/85 Creation of a new "Established Investigator Award" discussed. 4/3/85 RCAC Research Expense Grant Funding recommendations approved. 6/5/85 RCAC 1985-1986 Guidelines approved. 12/11/85 RCAC Research Expense Grant Funding recommendations approved. 4/23/86 RCAC Research Expense Grant Funding recommendations approved. 6/4/86 RCAC 1986-1987 Guidelines approved. 5/5/87 RCAC Research Expense Grant Funding recommendations approved. 5/12/87 Discussed revisions of the RCAC's structure and guidelines. 5/12/87 Discussed formulating guidlines on exposure to biological hazards. 5/26/87 Discussed revisions of the RCAC's structure and guidelines. 6/2/87 RCAC 1987-1988 Guidelines, with a new subcommittee format approved. 11/16/87 Discussed problems of past review procedures, priority concerns, and possibility of a double standard in evaluating non-tenured and tenured faculty proposals. Alternative proposal to guide each subcommittee through the use of a Grant Proposal Evaluation form and having each subcommittee chair individually report their recommendations, instead of all of the subcommittees meeting a mass final review of review of proposals discussed. 12/7/87 Approved RCAC's funding recommendations after discussing the to-date operation of the RCAC's review process. 4/5/88 Approved RCAC's funding recommendations with the exception of two disputed proposals. 4/19/88 RCAC Guidelines, 1988-1989, approved. 5/31/88 Endorsed using Center for Disease Control guidelines for handling biological hazards; forwarded to Univ. Health & Safety Comm. 10/25/88 Committee to review the RCA grant award program formed. 3/7/89 To manage funding equitably each subcommittee will 1) receive an equal amount of funds to award, 2) recommend a top group to be funded, 3) recommend a middle group to fund, money permitting, and 4) identify a third group not to receive funding. 4/11/89 Approved the four RCA subcommittees' recommendations for funding. 12/11/90 Approved new 1991 proposal evaluation form and updated 1992 RCA Proposal Guidelines. 2/19/91 Approved that agreeded upon funding priorities be put into letter of transmission to faculty reviwers, followed by the policies and procedures that would be followed in reviewing RCA proposals. Revised evaluation form approved. 3/12/91 RCA sub-committees instructed to disregard the revised evaluation form (2/19/91). 4/16/91 Approved RCAC recommendations and created a task force to study the RCA program. 10/15/91 Task force to be formed to examine guidelines & criteria used to judge applications. 12/10/91 Approved that RCA guidelines should be more inclusive and that grants are to be given to support high quality projects leading to scholarship and creative expression. 3/10/92 Decided that RCA Program should go forward with contingent awards. 10/27/92 Start-up funds for new faculty will be honored. RCA, Graduate Faculty Travel Support Program and Graduate Student Research Expense Awards will not be offered during 1992-1993. Graduate College will no longer support reprint charges. Page charges and submission fees up to $100 per article per faculty member will be supported. 10/26/93 Established a task force to study issue of internal funding. Regarding a consolidated Grants Office, GC supported notion of a single office to process grant applications; with strong preference for the Research Services Office as contact point. 6/6/95 Approved 27 RCA awards totaling $81,000. 10/24/95 Dean consults GC concerning allegation of research misconduct. Guidelines for Investigations Involving Allegations of Research Misconduct distributed to GC. 11/10/98 Approved Institutional Review Board policy for requirements on thesis/dissertation research. 3/17/01 Accepted Research Council's Investment Fund Priorities recommendations. 7/23/01 Approved renaming University Office of Research & Economic Development to Office of Sponsored Programs and Research.