GRADUATE COMMITTEES 10/16/74 Graduate Petitions Comm. report discussed. GPC's guidelines to the Graduate Faculty in their role as advisors to petitioners; and guidelines for the Graduate College Staff regarding compilation of of complete documentation and scheduling meetings approved. 1/29/75 Approved alternating 2-year terms for the Graduate Admissions & Standards Comm. 10/15/75 Approved Dr. Bailey (as an individual rather than in is capacity as Graduate Studies Assistant Dean) as an alternative, voting member of the Graduate Petitions Comm. 9/8/76 Approved 5-member composition for the Education Planning Comm. 3/15/78 Discussed problems of incomplete written advisor recommendations, incomplete supportive documentation and advisors' unawareness of academic regulations as problems facing the Petitions Comm. 5/20/81 Approved streamlining functions of the Graduate Petitions Comm. 10/21/81 Approved: GC will solicit interest for standing committees and not be restricted from gathering other names. 11/9/83 The Graduate Grade Dispute Comm. will continue to function as it has, to assure due process to all students who dispute a grade and to consider disputes which concern the equity and accuracy of the application of grading standards. It will not consider challenges to the professional or disciplinary expert judgment of a faculty member. 5/14/86 Approved with ASC that the Graduate Petitions Comm. should assume complete authority on graduate student petitions, except involving grade disputes. 4/19/88 Agreed that the Graduate Petitions Comm. should not grant exemptions from the graduation requirement of a minimum 3.0 GPA.