ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES/ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES DEGREE PROGRAM 5/10/73 Voted not to recommend the Environmental Science graduate program proposal. 12/5/97 Approved M.A. in Environmental Studies degree program & M.S. in Environmental Science degree program contingent upon Arts & Sciences College approval at 12/8/97 meeting. 2/28/05 Approved changes for addition of credit hours to strengthen core requirements by adding some science courses and expanding the credit hours for tracks. 12/13/07 Approved substituting UST 603, a 4 credit course, for a 3 credit chemistry course. 3/4/08 BA/MA proposal for Environmental Studies and Nonprofit Administration & Leadership approved. 1/22/09 Non-thesis track for Masters in Environmental Science degree approved. 9/7/10 Approved a new specialization in Sustainable Economic Development.