PHYSICS DEPARTMENT 1/27/68 Master of Science degree program approved. 3/4/70 Approved academic portions of doctoral degree program; recommended to administration that if it decided to support the program, then it should carefully study the costs in depth and make a commitment "of intent" to support the program at the estimated level of cost. 2/4/81 UCRC report received and referred to A&S Dean and A&S Curriculum Com. for review and report. To be referred back to UCRC for specific resolutions to FC based on reports. 3/3/82 (Report No. 11) Minor program (professional) approved. 12/14/88 Bachelor of Arts degree program approved. 5/6/09 (Report No. 38) 4+1 Program in Physics approved 11/7/12 (Report No. 31) Revisions to Medical Physics track in M.S. in Physics degree program approved. 2/8/17 Physics, Medical Physics Graduate Certificate goes from 18 to 14 credits as U/G courses are removed from requirements 9/12/18 (Report No. 4) Revisions to Bachelor of Science degree program approved.